Develop and deliver


This page mostly showcase work where I'm exploring ideas and visualising complex system processes. There are also samples where I used generative AI as part of my process like storyboarding.

Sketching: 2-day design sprint on how to transition into online course delivery

At UX Playground, we did a design sprint to explore approaches for transitioning an in-person UX course to an online format. During the first session, I enjoyed sketching concepts focused on community interaction and how to promote the new course, such as design hackathons and community challenges. In a later group voting session, a common theme emerged around offering a variety of activities that foster interaction within the community like collaborative projects and learning sessions.

Sketches on how to grow and engage the UX Playground community

My sketches presented in Miro for voting. I explored how to engage with the UX Playground community that also allows promoting the new course offering, such as community challenges and hackathons.

Storyboarding: cake baking as an example to explain the UX process

For the development of UX Playground's UX course, the goal was to create content and activities to teach UX design for non-design professionals. For one of the introduction sessions, I developed a storyboard using the example of a baker running a cake shop. I chose this example because previously it helped me to learn about the UX process when I was a front-end developer.

Storyboard for a course activity

A storyboard I created in Adobe XD for a Project UX course activity. The storyboard describes how a baker runs her own cake shop, an example I feel is relatable for non-designers learning about the UX process.

Storyboarding: using generative AI to create images for storytelling

For an article series on multisensory design, I utilised generative AI (Midjourney) to create storyboard images. I learned that achieving characteristics like style, characters, and scenes matching our vision required a very detailed and structured prompt. Through experimentation, I found prompts needed to be specific so the AI could better interpret the output we wanted.

Using generative AI to create images for storyboarding

A storyboard created in FigJam, exploring a design concept for a multisensory article. The images were all created in Midjourney, showing different styles based on the inputs used for prompting.